
When Clean Fuel Alliance America’s Supply Chain Outreach group began planning a series of regional seminars for buyers, sellers, and consumers of diesel fuel and heating oil (biodiesel is a blend stock of both), they approached us to design a simple invitation that could be distributed as needed through various e-marketing channels. But as plans began taking shape in five cities across the country, it quickly became clear that the series would need a full branding and marketing strategy, as well as a website and online registration component, in order to maximize its likelihood for success. So with the blessing of our client, we turned a fledgling seminar series into a still-growing brand.


The inaugural 2018 XBX series drew more than 500 attendees and was so successful that organizers added two new cities to the end of the run. The results of our attendee survey were overwhelmingly positive, as 85 percent of respondents reported that the seminar exceeded their expectations. With 98 percent of survey respondents indicating that they would be likely to attend an XBX event again, our client received full funding for the second annual regional seminars, XBX 2019. Today, the seminars have conducted nearly 20 events in cities spanning every corner of the country.